Write For Us
If you are confident that you can provide high-quality articles related to the updates on the showbiz industry for our website, then you are most welcome. But there are a bunch of things you need to make sure of.
- All your articles should be 100% unique and original.
- All your content should be 100% non plagiarized. At Gossipment.com, we do not support plagiarism at any cost.
- Ensure you use ‘no follow’ tags on your website
- Your articles should be above 1000 words.
- You must use bullets, pointers, H2s, and H3s in your articles.
- All your articles should be SEO Optimised.
- Your article should contain simple words and must be free of grammatical errors.
- Your articles that are published on our site are not meant to be copied or used elsewhere. We reserve the right to own your guest postings.
We support quality content; that is why we encourage writers from all over the world for guest postings. For further queries, kindly fill in the contact form provided on the website.
If you have some specific queries related to guest postings and advertisements, you can send an email at media@redhatmedia.net.