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Every Friends Thanksgiving Episodes, Ranked (Worst To Best): Your Thanksgiving Binge-Watch Schedule Is Here!
The Holiday Season has FINALLY arrived. Special holiday episodes happen to be a legendary sitcom institution, but there are only a mere handful of TV shows that can actually lay claim to very specific celebrations.
With its over two dozen anthologies of Treehouse of Horrow, The Simpsons is undoubtedly the undisputed champion of Halloween, while Roseanna is at a close second, and Bob’s Burgers has a very nice collection of episodes for Valentine’s Day.
But as far as Thanksgiving is concerned, Friends has the best and most number of episodes. Perhaps it’s the only show that gave Thanksgiving a try, considering no other TV show had any claim over this less-remembered holiday. Of course, nobody wanted to earn a random, unfavorable comparison to the six stars of Central Perk.
After all, almost all the Friends Thanksgiving episodes produced during the show’s 10-season run between 1994 and 2004 were great – except, what’s your goddamn problem, 1995?
Today, let’s check out these episodes and go back in time – because Thanksgiving is almost here, and we can’t wait to do a binge-watch night with Friends!
Every Friends Thanksgiving Episodes, Ranked (Worst To Best): Your Thanksgiving Binge-Watch Schedule Is Here!
Welcome to Gossipment’s Thanksgiving edition!
Today, we are just going to rank all the Friends Thanksgiving episodes out there – from the worst to the best. So, you have to scroll down and stick around to find out which is the best Friends Thanksgiving episode and which is the worst!
10. The One With All The Thanksgivings: Season 5, Episode 8

There are several things that are wrong with this particular episode. Firstly, it’s an entirely flashback episode, which is very boring. Secondly, in one such flashback, Chandler even calls Monica fat, and that too really cruelly – have you seen these men…um, what!
Thirdly, it might be charming that the extremely uptight Monica decides to put a turkey over her head, attempting to win Chandler back, just after hurting him. This leads to the couple’s first exchange of ‘love yous.’ But we cannot forget the visceral sensation of wearing a cold, raw, and slimy turkey over your head.
Thank you. Next, please!
9. The One With The List: Season 2, Episode 8

Out of all the Friends Thanksgiving episodes, we have to rank this one in eight positions because the episode does not really feature a celebration.
Sure, it is extremely fun to watch Monica come up with Thanksgiving-themed recipes for an honestly disgusting-sounding substitute of chocolate known as Mockolate.
But come on – nothing ever beats the visually pleasing aesthetics of a messy, big turkey dinner onscreen. Also, Ross’ iconic list featuring the pros and cons about Rachel is just plain mean – chubby ankles? Really? Dr. Geller, have you ever seen what Rachel looks like? Drop-dead gorgeous!
8. The One With The Rumor: Season 8, Episode 9

We could have ranked this episode higher simply because the episode features a delish Brad Pitt, but then, since he cheated on Aniston, we just have to push it to the 7th position.
Plus, Pitt’s eventual split from Aniston only makes the viewer feel low on re-watching this episode in 2023. Also, the episode is somewhat transphobic – yes, it was the 90s, but now it’s 2023, and it doesn’t make sense, TBH.
‘Transphobic’ is probably one word that was hardly ever used in mainstream media back in 2002. But even today, do we have any ‘LOLs’ for the notion that a cheerleader in high school is *gasps in sarcasm* a man? Not really!
7. The One Where The Underdog Gets Away: Season 1, Episode 9

When we first watched this particular Thanksgiving episode, the fear of actually getting locked out of our place while the oven was on was ushered into our worlds for the first time.
This is the very first Friends Thanksgiving episode. In many ways, it sets the ball rolling for the rest of the Thanksgiving-themed episodes.
The characters in this episode are still too new, and you can watch them settling into their roles awkwardly. It is really cute to watch all of them together enjoying grilled cheese after their initial plans fell through. By doing this, the gang unconsciously sowed the seeds of what will grow to become a forever-kinda thing.
6. The One With The Late Thanksgiving: Season 10, Episode 8

To be very honest, we are not big fans of the final season of the show! Everyone in the show is too wild-eyed and too high-pitched for some strange season. Perhaps the show was ending, and the actors were as emotional about it as we were!
But that doesn’t mean the writers didn’t do a good job. We loved watching the whole group trying their very best to ghost each other for ‘important’ reasons, such as a basketball game and a baby beauty pageant, only to spend the day together at the end of the episode, just like you assumed they would eventually.
5. The One Where Chandler Doesn’t Like Dogs: Season 7, Episode 8

Rachel’s extremely cute assistant and boyfriend, Tag, is heavily featured in this particular episode. While their actual romance might not hold up at all in the #metoo world, the chemistry between the two is absolutely unavoidable.
This also happens to be the episode where we learned about the 50 States Game, which was responsible for getting us through some very boring sociology classes at University.
The episode could have scored way higher. But then, we cannot keep supporting an episode that primarily centers on the concept of dog hatred. Come on, people, dogs rule!
4. The One With Rachel’s Other Sister: Season 9, Episode 8

Two words only: Christina Applegate!
While we loved Reese Witherspoon as Rachel’s self-involved, spoiled sister, Applegate entered the scene a little late but ended up stealing the crown as Rachel’s other. She is even more self-involved and spoiled (just like Rachel used to be before daddy cut her off), but she does learn a lesson in the end.
TBH, Applegate’s characters, Amy and Rachel, trash-talk about Witherspoon (Jill) in her absence. It’s a natural and real depiction of the best kind of sisterly bonding that we have ever seen onscreen.
3. The One With Chandler In A Box: Season 4, Episode 8

True scholars of Friends will remember how Chandler fell very hard for his best friend and roommate, Joey’s girlfriend, Kathy. It was perhaps one of the very first times when Chandler’s wise ass, sardonic character shows vulnerability in the show.
When Chandler develops feelings for Kathy, it is the first time for fans to sit up and note his vulnerability. Later, you know it’s just meant to be when he finds his true soulmate in Monica.
Thus, it is only extra painful when a really angry Joey forces him to simply spend Thanksgiving in penance inside a box. It’s extra-rewarding when the best friends finally makeup, and vulnerable Chandler lands the girl.
2. The One Where Ross Gets High: Season 6, Episode 9

We are big fans of sitcom flashback episodes when they are fun and reference marijuana consumption. Just like the episodes of How I Met Your Mother that winkingly refer to all the protagonists ‘eating a sandwich’ in university.
This Friends Thanksgiving episode features Ross coming out as a former user of recreational marijuana to his parents.
Monica, on the other hand, tries to hide how she is living with Chandler, her new boyfriend. This is an ideal example of the whole genre. And as an extra bonus, there is a delightful instance subplot about Jacques Cousteau.
1. The One With the Football: Season 3, Episode 9

This particular episode has everything: a troll doll of inexplicable import, a random roommate conflict because there was a cute girl (remember?), sibling rivalry, touch football, and most memorably, Phoebe Buffay sporting a ridiculously cute T-Shirt that said, ‘That Girl.’
And It’s A Wrap!
And that’s a wrap on all the Friends Thanksgiving episodes, ranked from worst to best. If you trust us enough, you should watch the episodes in the order mentioned above for the perfect binge-watch sessions on Thanksgiving. Feel free to share your Thanksgiving stories, experiences, and memories in the comments below.
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